Continuing Education Courses – $25 Per Posting


ArizOTA Sponsored Events Only.

Event submissions should not exceed 100 words.

Submissions can be made by filling out the form below.

Submissions can also be sent by mail to:
ArizOTA, 15657 N Hayden Rd  #1155
Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Please provide the card number, expiration date, and billing address for the card. A paid invoice and credit receipt will be mailed to you. Credit card information will be destroyed after payment. The continuing education course will be released for posting on the website once payment arrangements have been made.

Length of Posting:

From posting date until event date.


$25 per posting


Event submissions should not exceed 100 words.

Submissions can be made by filling out the form below.

Submissions can also be sent by mail to:
ArizOTA, 15657 N Hayden Rd  #1155
Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Please provide the card number, expiration date, and billing address for the card. A paid invoice and credit receipt will be mailed to you. Credit card information will be destroyed after payment. The continuing education course will be released for posting on the website once payment arrangements have been made.

Payment for Continuing Education Advertising

Continuing Education Event Calendar Request

Start Date & Time

End Date & Time

Total Amount
Payment method
Credit Card Number*
Expiration Date*
Card (CVV) Code*
Card Holder Name*